Our somatic approach to healing


When you encounter a mountain — or a challenge in relationship or work — does it intimidate you or inspire you? When do you say “YES!” to you? 
When do you feel fully alive?  

Break the rules


What if everything we’ve been taught about life is a myth? What if the traditional formula for health and happiness doesn’t pertain to you? Are those rules about fitting into someone else’s version of what life should be? Do those rules inspire you, or do they keep your life - and your dreams - small?

Solving problems in your head is an old-school and outdated strategy. Accessing the wisdom of the body is the new paradigm.

You can’t regulate your psychology until you regulate your physiology.

How can you use somatic awareness to your advantage? Explore the somatic defense mechanisms and so much more will become available to you. Reclaiming your fragmented parts will help you become whole again, and elevate your game.

Cultivate this belief


Human potential is nearly limitless. Let’s navigate the upper limits of human potential in an interconnected world.

Life is an exact reflection of our choices. Once we take total ownership we learn that we can always make a different choice and create a different outcome. At Next Generation Core, we will dig deeper to build a growth mindset.

How do you motivate yourself to transform an idea into a new reality? Whether your idea is to build your own company, find a meaningful intimate relationship, or live anxiety-free, how do you shift from conception to physical reality?

The human experience in the 21st century is challenging and moves faster than it ever has. Family issues. Work stress. Relationships. Children.  Parents. Finances. Meta-stress. Depressed about being depressed. Career confusion. Should I marry? Can I reveal my sexual orientation? Why can’t I lose weight? Who can I trust? When is it safe to speak my truth? How do I manage my addiction? Why do I self-sabotage? Who will listen to me?

Do you look for meaning in your life? Or do you create meaning?

The new paradigm


Life will present you with people, circumstances, and opportunities that will trigger you to show you where you are not free. What triggers you, and how do you respond?

At Next Generation Core we treasure the pathway to freedom. Learn to experience life through new eyes. Find freedom from suffering, freedom from the limitations of the subconscious, and become more spiritually alive, awakening to who you really are.  

  • Freedom to live in your truth.  

  • Freedom to speak your mind.   

  • Freedom to trust yourself.  

  • Freedom to reach your full potential without limiting beliefs or self-sabotage. 

  • Freedom from the whole bucket of pain and misery. 

Rewire your brain


Physicist Max Planck said: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at start to change.”

Our brain perceives a trigger as a threat. Triggers = opportunities to self-examine. Learn to lean into them. Use them as a mirror: what is going on inside you that creates the illusion that something external to you has the power to change your mind? And where are the answers?

This is where we look to the body. Your body has infinite wisdom. 

How do we get there from here?


Neitzche: “He who has a ‘why’ can bear any ‘how’.”  Finding meaning is an essential instinct. If the spirit has gone out of you, life is meaningless.  We need a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Implement something. Even if it fails, you’ve learned something. Why would you look in the darkest places?  Because in the darkest places you can find what still shines. If it can shine in the darkest places, then you know it’s a real light. Look at the things you don’t want to look at. 

In the world of Core Energetics, we explore our life experience from four perspectives:

1.    Mask

2.   Lower Self

3.   Higher Self

4.   Universal Life Plan

Through a series of classes and process groups, we explore what it means to take off the mask we hide behind and examine our truth.  We give permission to voice and then release the lower-self energies that we have pushed underground, and then align with our higher self. Ultimately, we come to understand what our life task is.

Learn how to get out of your own way. If you have energy blocks or limiting beliefs  that prohibit you from living your dream, learn where they manifest in the body and how to release them.

Are you ready?


Are you ready to let go of your old belief system, and level up your game? Studies in the field of neurogenesis confirm that the brain has plasticity. Before you can change, you have to accept that *you* have the power to change your long-held beliefs. In this Core Energetics training you will:

  • CREATE real time tools

  • IDENTIFY your unconscious somatic defenses that prevent you from moving forward

  • STUDY nonverbal communication and body language

  • DISCOVER life changing techniques to feel fully alive, experience success, and build self-confidence

  • BRING energy and focus to embodying the life you were meant to live

  • LEARN how the body communicates and how to read the body in order to create a healthy and fulfilling life

  • DESIGN the life you long for

To be clear, our training programs are INTENSE. You’re going to have to put real energy and momentum into implementing what we teach if you really want to start the process of change. There are no shortcuts.

Which program is right for you?


Practitioner Training Program

The Practitioner Training Program (PTP) focuses on Core Energetics theory and application in addition to personal reflection and development. PTP requires participants to complete and submit homework assignments prior to training weekends, participate in more individual or group theraputic sessions, and allows students to automatically metriculate to the Institute of Core Energetics to continue working toward certification if all requirements are met. This is a two-year program.


Personal Potential Program

Our Personal Potential Program (PPP) contributes to accessing your full potential by furnishing you with a toolbox filled with techniques, teachings and both individual and group support that shines a light on the areas you want to develop and integrate into everyday life. PPP has no homework requirement, and requires fewer individual theraputic sessions. This is a two-year program. 

The Institute of Core Energetics supports the use of their curriculum in Next Generation Core.

“Our bodies have a form of knowledge that is different from our cognitive brains. This knowledge is typically experienced as a felt sense of constriction or expansion, pain or ease, energy or numbness. Often this knowledge is stored in our bodies as wordless stories about what is safe and what is dangerous. The body is where we fear, hope, and react; where we constrict and release; and where we reflexively fight, flee, or freeze.... New advances in psychobiology reveal that our deepest emotions - love, fear, anger, dread, grief, sorrow, disgust, and hope - involve the activation of our bodily structures.”.

— Resmaa Menakem - My Grandmother's Hands