What is Core Energetics training?

You are your body. Your body tells the story of your life. If you’re going to heal in any significant way, your body must change.

The issues with which a person struggles are structured in the body.  While thoughts are the language of the mind, feelings are the language of the body. When you cut off feelings you deaden the body. Restoring the feeling, a sensation in the body, is a challenging but invaluable avenue to increase its aliveness, to have more energy. In our culture feeling is a second-class citizen to thinking and power. However, consciousness is a shallow, surface level phenomenon. We can talk about feelings into infinity, but that doesn’t create change. You can change ideas in your head, but real change happens deep below the level of consciousness. A physically and mentally healthy person is characterized by a body that is alive, vital. 

People carry unnecessary pain in the body. 

The work of Core Energetics invites you into a deep dive of self-awareness. It pinpoints the places where you may unconsciously be creating physical and emotional pain in your day-to-day life and challenges your limiting beliefs so they can transform. This integrated process aligns you with your inner being, where your truth lives, where your purpose comes alive.  

Body-oriented or body-centered psychotherapy is an expansive, emerging, multi-faceted field that affirms the inseparability of mind, body, and spirit. It draws from somatic psychology which sees the mind revealed in:

  • relational styles

  • communication

  • dreams

  • cognitions

  • neurophysiology

  • posture

  • gestures

  • movement

  • bodily tensions and more. 

It explores the therapeutic possibilities of somatic in-roads to the unconscious and healing, while honoring, expanding, and contributing to the wisdom of general psychology and psychotherapy.

“There is no heavier burden than an unfulfilled potential.”

— Charles Schulz